Josipa Čok was born 14. February 1984. She finished high School of Applied Arts and College of Technology Professional Studies. She is an IT Engineer by profession and she also does graphic design, web design, digital illustration, and comics. She teaches and mentors high school students.

Her work has been exhibited at museums, theaters, festivals, galleries, print, and online magazines. She was an exhibitor at Diversity Comic Con New York, where she promoted her comic EcoWoman. 

She's received an award for her comic Josh Park at the Comic Book Strip Festival.

Her new comic is EcoWoman, about Jane, an ecologist, and scientist, who gains superpowers from the Earth and protects the environment.  

This website consists of her art, illustration, publication, and graphic design work.


Josipa Čok rođena je 14. Februara 1984. godine u Šapcu. Završila je srednju Školu primenjenih umetnosti u Šapcu, a zatim i Visoke tehnološke strukovne studije. Po zanimanju je IT Inženjer, bavi se grafičkim dizajnom, web dizajnom, digitalnom ilustracijom i crtanjem stripova. Povremeno predaje u školi. 

Kao strip autor osvojila je nekoliko nagrada na festivalima stripa. Jedna od njih je i prva nagrada na festivalu stripa u Šapcu za njen strip Josh Park. Njena dela su izlagana na mnogobrojnim likovnim izložbama, kako našim tako i međunarodnim. Učesnik je izložbe međunarodnog strip festivala Diversity Comic Con New York, gde je izložen njen strip EcoWoman. 

Ilustracije su publikovane na digitalnim medijima, papirnim časopisima i web magazinima.



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