I'm Josipa.

I create digital artwork.

I am the illustrator, colorist, and writer of art for my comic series called EcoWoman.

You can read it for free on the web page.

Her name is Jane, and she is a scientist, ecologist, and protector of the planet, she is EcoWoman.

EcoWoman is a fighter for a healthier Earth and environmental change.

Her superpowers are given by Earth to protect and keep humans safe.

We need to learn how to be more Earth friendlier and keep the planet cleaner, and safer for all humanity and living beings.

Thank you for reading my comic.

I do other art too!

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Support What You Like

If you like my artwork and what I do, please consider hiring me for any artwork offer, and help me continue creating amazing comics and art.
 Also, I create digital illustrations and commission artwork.
Thank you very much for checking out my page!

Follow me on IG @josscok



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